The most unpleasant symptoms, in the form of itchiness and rash, can cause subcutaneous parasites in people of all ages. Any invasion brings many health problems due to complications. Worm species with a long incubation period of several months are especially dangerous.

Types of parasites that live under the skin
A subcutaneous worm can enter the human body: with tactile contact with infected people; of blood-sucking insects that carry larvae of animal parasites.
The main feature of this invasion is the difficulty in recognizing the pathology, as the infection can initially be disguised as other somatic diseases.
Having taken up under the thickness of the skin, the parasite over time is able to move to any internal organ and cause its functional disturbances. Helminths feed on blood and use it to hatch larvae.

The main signs of the presence of this type of parasite in the body are severe weakness, decreased performance, a constant urge to scratch the skin. When these signs appear, it is advisable to consult a specialist: therapist, dermatologist, allergist, infectious disease specialist. The joint work of doctors and the diagnostic methods they use in their work help to recognize the presence of subcutaneous invasion in the body.
Of the diagnostic methods, studies of fecal scraping, blood, scalp and epidermis are mandatory.
The most common subcutaneous helminth infection occurs in countries with a very hot climate - Central Asia, Africa, South America. Therefore, coming back from tourist trips across continents, you need to pay special attention to your health.
Important! It is strictly forbidden to treat yourself with medical and folk remedies - this can aggravate the situation and poison the body. It is necessary not to delay the visit to the doctor and to follow the prescribed course of medication to the letter.
There are many types of worms that live on the skin. The invasive species listed below are the main ones.
The subcutaneous helminths of this species are represented by filamentous nematodes, common in tropical states. This type of parasite can live in the skin for several years at a time and, after its own adaptation, it migrates through the body in search of another habitat.
The signs of the disease that appear early are rashes in the form of hives and spots, accompanied by itching. Then temperature is added.
Serious signs of filariasis include eczema, ulcers and warts, subcutaneous nodules, severe headache, drowsiness, subcutaneous nodules, and increased fever.
The parasite can often be found on examination by an ophthalmologist, as it loves to live in the mucous membrane of the eye.
Important! With a premature visit to the doctor, filariasis contributes to the appearance of eye diseases and leads to total loss of vision.
The parasite of this species lives in warm freshwater rivers and lakes in countries with warm climates. Infection can occur while bathing or drinking raw water.
The parasite simultaneously affects the skin and the urinary system. Toxic substances entering the blood heavily poison the body, and this leads to various disturbances in the functioning of many organs and systems.

Signs of infection with a parasite are: rash in the form of dermatitis and flushing of the skin, unbearable itching, night sweats, enlarged liver, functional disorders of the renal system, sudden rise in temperature.
Schistosomiasis, which occurs with damage to the genitourinary system, obstructs the bladder's inlet and outlet ducts.
Important! In order not to get infected with these helminths, you cannot swim in stagnant water bodies of the tropics and drink raw water from unknown natural sources.
The disease is caused by rishta - round parasitic worms, which reach 80 cm in length. Infection by worms, which inhabit countries with tropical climates and Central Asia, can be due to the use of raw water or contact with cats and dogs that are carriers of the worm.
The incubation period from the moment of infection with the parasite eggs and migration through the body is 1, 5 months. Parasites develop and grow throughout the year.

Dracunculiasis primarily affects the skin of the lower extremities. The parasite is capable of twisting and unfolding, forming a long lump on the skin and then forming a blister several centimeters long. As soon as the blister comes into contact with the water, it immediately bursts, releasing the larvae, which cause symptoms of severe internal itching.
Important! If therapy and the fight against this type of parasite are not carried out, the person begins to develop sepsis, gangrenous inflammation or immobility of the joints.
The type of mites up to 0. 4 mm is the culprit for the development of scabies. The parasites can be infected by contact with the sick person's body or things if the person has severely reduced immunity. Infection occurs when hygiene rules are not followed.
The small parasites that enter the skin are introduced first into the epidermis, then into the deeper layer, and are capable of infecting the entire body with toxins. The parasites gnaw the passages in which they lay their eggs.

The clinical symptoms of the condition appear in the form of red skin rash, small blisters and peeling of the skin: hands, thighs, elbows, knees and hair. If you treat the rash sites with an iodine solution, you can see ticks.
Due to the active development and reproduction of the parasite, the person is plagued by an unbearable itchiness, which intensifies at night, the urge to scratch the skin, as well as after contact with water.
Complications of scabies include the development of furunculosis, eczema, dermatitis, and vesicular skin lesions.
Important! In order not to get scabies, you need to follow hygiene rules and avoid contact with people infected with scabies.
This disease, caused by a microscopic mite, is seasonal in nature and appears more frequently in autumn. The formation of excess fat on the skin in summer and the negative effects of ultraviolet rays harm local immunity, contributing to the spread of this species of mite.
Parasites can be infected by tactile contact with a sick person, as well as by using their personal belongings and care items.

The pathology, according to clinical signs, is very similar to acne, which captures more and more territories. Pink and red papules abundantly dot the face and back, leaving rough scars after healing. A person may develop eyelid inflammation, vasodilation, and eyebrow peeling.
Important! Demodectic mange develops over the years. For an accurate diagnosis of a person, a scrape is removed from the skin. Healing therapy can take up to 3 months.
The invasion is considered a dangerous parasitic disease, caused by heartworm worms, reaching 30 cm in adulthood. This type of parasite affects the subcutaneous tissue as well as the eye tissue and can cause complete loss of vision.
The incubation period for the development of heartworm disease is several years. A person can be infected by the bite of mosquitoes, which carry parasite eggs from sick dogs and cats.
A seal grows on the skin, accompanied by pain, unbearable itching and hyperemia. The seal can grow to the size of an average egg, in which the coiled helminths live.

Basically, the parasite lives in the skin, but sometimes they can get into the eye, which causes visual impairment and loss of vision.
In order not to get infected with this type of worms, you need to fight mosquitoes by all possible methods and use repellents on a daily basis.
How to get rid of subcutaneous parasites?
The fight against worms that develop under the skin is based on the use of superficial and medicated methods, as well as surgical operations.
Antiparasitic therapy for each type of helminth can be presented in the form of a table:
In most cases, you can get rid of the subcutaneous types of helminths thanks to surgery and an intensive course of chemotherapy.
Superficial treatment
Surface acting methods are used to combat helminths that live in the epidermis (eg, scabies and demodicosis).
External antiparasitic medications are applied to scabies skin. These medications are rubbed all over the body at night. The course lasts 2 weeks. People who have been in contact with an infected person are advised to perform the same procedures.
With demodicosis, suspensions, ointments, solutions, gels, exfoliants, cryotherapy are used, which reduce sebum secretion, deprive food and reduce the negative effects of the parasite.
With other types of helminths, external manifestations are removed with the help of steroid ointments and antibiotics.
All ointments specially selected by doctors relieve inflammation, deprive parasites of motor activity and kill them.
Local procedures should be applied sparingly, avoiding damage to the skin, in order not to disturb the acid-base balance and exclude the adhesion of pathogenic microbes to the pathology.
Important! When starting a course of therapy in a hot temperature, it is necessary to wash clothes and warm the pillows in the strong sun.
For each type of helminth, its own medicine is applied, which is prescribed by a doctor, according to the stage of the disease.
Some drugs completely kill the parasites, others immobilize them and prevent reproduction.
When the helminths die, a person may show signs of intoxication - headache, nausea, vomiting, so medications are carefully selected. Intake of enterosorbents is permitted.
The main diseases are necessarily treated with pathologies of other organs. Symptomatic therapy is used.
surgical methods
Surgeons' intervention is required to remove the parasite through the incision.
The operation normally takes place under local anesthesia. The surgeon needs to be a virtuoso and a master of his craft, so that, when removing a helminth, he completely pulls it out, without dividing it into parts.
Rehabilitation methods after surgery include therapy with antibacterial, analgesic, anti-inflammatory and antiparasitic drugs.

Prevention of helminthiasis infection
With caution, it is perfectly possible to prevent subcutaneous worms from entering the body.
Necessarily necessary:
- undergo annual medical examinations;
- consult a doctor for various types of illnesses;
- wash your hands well after going to public places and tactile contact with strangers and stray animals;
- boil raw water and do not drink from natural sources;
- do not swim in stagnant water bodies, especially in hot countries;
- to combat blood-sucking insects using repellents and protective devices;
- carry out general and routine cleaning of the house and maintain order.
When traveling to epidemically dangerous states, you need to observe safety measures and make sure you have all the information about how to protect yourself while traveling.
It is necessary to improve immunity by living a healthy lifestyle, eating well, getting tougher and taking vitamin complexes several times a year.
Fighting subcutaneous parasites requires patience and effort. If all the doctor's prescriptions are followed, the person will fully recover.